Newsworthy week thus far

In the legal world, Tuesday was a busy, blockbuster-worthy day at the Supreme Court of the United States. Their decisions: Libby final arguments that bring up the differences of blogging and journalism; Guantanamo detainees’ rights; Court throws out $80 million verdict against Big Tobacco and with it makes a crucial ruling on punitive damages; issues a predatory selling decision; and another on the federal habeas standard for review before the High Court. Wednesday was yielding decisions, too. Clincher: many are coming out 5-4, signaling a divided court and even some mixing between conservatives and liberal-like justices. Interesting days in the legal world.

Of course, this all comes as the world continues gushing over Ana's body, Britney's new bald look and rehab entrance, and now Britian and Denmark withdrawing from Iraq. News-hounds should be going wild, from courts to entertainment and foreign affairs coverage. All's at play - and it's only Wednesday!


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