The Marveling D-Universe: Intro

A ninja stands on the mountain top, peering out over the California countryside and singing songs of hope for all those who may need it. His mad ninja skills are always sharp and he advocates for the cause. Same goes for others, who use their lives and powers for a greater good. From Boston to California, Canada to Mexico. In the United Kingdom, Germany, and Australia. (Most recently, breaking news told us of a sighting in Minneapolis!) However, there are villians out there trying to thwart those heroic plans. Like the strategically schemeful Siah and Shadow Cats, who are bent on world domination and plot to conquer the galaxy. The Diabolical Doctor and Wicked Witch of Chicago, who spread fear and misinformation to trick the general population into believing they're the saviors. Or the Diabetes Police who appear to be nice and well-meaning but really strive to oppress and control lives. This is the reality happening in public and behind the scenes e...