Coffee and Diabetes Conversation in Indy
A small group of us in the Indy area got together recently for an Adult Diabetes Meetup. About 8 of us came out, including my good friend Cherise Shockley who also lives nearby in the Indy area. We had some great conversation, ranging from the crazy winter weather, jobs, our dogs, health insurance adventures, insulin pumps v. injections, the wonders of CGMs and of course some other random points during the course of two hours. Of course, the big question we analyzed: " What is a Hoosier ?" This is a question that apparently has no rock-solid answer, and in the decade I've been living in Indy there's been no consensus. I remember a local museum exhibit years ago exploring that, without anything be settled. As always, no matter what we were talking about, it was good conversation. And there was plenty of coffee to go around! Here's a photo of the group, which sadly doesn't include Cherise as she had to scoot before this was taken. It also doesn'...