Race Day Dreams & Diabetes

Ah, Race Day in Indianapolis. Nothing like it. I've been to the Indianapolis Motor Speedway several times for other events, and have been at a couple practice and media preview runs for the Indy 500 in years past. But haven't had much interest in actually braving the mass crowds and craziness on Race Day in the past. We've been fine watching the highlights and even listening by radio from home... until this year. My photo from an Indy meetup in 2010. That's because of a particular highlight: the first-ever licensed driver with Type 1 diabetes was making his debut run in the race. Yes, we're talking Charlie Kimball - a fellow PWD who I had the honor of meeting back in 2010 , and also was featured in many recent interviews such as this one here. His involvement got me excited to actually tune in and follow his progress, and so a chance that came up earlier in the week presented a chance to actually be there to witness this first-hand. Suzi and I answered ...