Mountains + Valleys + Mittelgebirge of Diabetes

A new day begins. All is smooth, as I coast along the waters and taking in as much of my surroundings as possible as I go about my daily business. My waters get rocky and I make a dash to the coastline, journeying onto land and venturing toward a spot that's somewhere between a short hill and high mountain. Was that water the Atlantic Ocean or the Great Lakes, and are those Mittelgebirge of Central Europe or am I still in my beloved Midwest, seeing a small jump thanks to an afternoon energy-boosting snack of Michigan-made almonds and cheese-stuffed mushroom. Not sure, but wherever I am and wherever I'm heading, I am ready. Dinner takes me to China. Spicy Kung Pao beef with fried rice, an egg roll with sweet & sour sauce, and Wonton soup. Pre-bolus, with 40% now and 60% stretched out over three hours. Enter the Chinese mountain climb, but one that only takes an hour before I start descending.... down, down, back toward sea level until I plummet too far into the Ch...