Biggest Blooper of Them All

This is the third day of Diabetes Blog Week created by Karen over at Bitter-Sweet Diabetes, and today's prompt is all about D-Bloopers.

My mind first went to the obvious choices:

Poking finger for blood test without putting a strip in the meter.

Eating without bolusing. Or vice versa, where you bolus then forget to eat (both leading to same result -> Glucoaster).

Putting a new infusion set in, and then walking away with the pump still sitting on a table so that you pull out the newly-inserted set. Or you collide instantly with a sneaky doorknob, open drawer, or wall corner.

Or those days where I'm wearing a white work shirt and manage to get a gusher.

Drawing up a bolus in a syringe and injecting it in your leg, only to realize you'd already done that and now doubled up the dosage. Or a variation: giving a shot of quick-acting when you actually meant to inject long-acting.

Bloopers abound. We know them well.

I've done all of the above, been in the shower cleaning myself off and ripped off my pump set. While on Multiple Daily Injections during a several-month pump hiatus last year, I had a time or two when I wasn't paying enough attention while injecting and didn't get the needle in far enough under my skin - resulting in a lovely skin bubble.

But none of these are unique or original. And my mind just isn't giving me anything more creative or original...

Ye Gods. This is tough.

If we need to pinpoint a major blooper in the overall big picture, something that just isn't supposed to happen and leaves you thinking "Are you Effn serious???? You surely can't be?!" (Yes, I am serious. And don't call me Shirley.). This is what comes to mind as my example of something so totally whacked it must be a blooper.

ME. More specifically: My insatiable love for glucose tabs.

When God was wiring my diabetes brain about what I'm supposed to like and not like, there must have been some crossed wires when it came to the Not Supposed To Like Glucose Tablets Rule. Yes, I'm a fan of these and would eat them like candy if I could. Not just the flavored ones we have nowadays, where you can get everything from orange to raspberry to coconut (even pina colada??).

This love goes back to even those pasty white square tabs that BD has since discontinued. I used to sneak them as a kid, and LOVED them.

Clearly, this is a D-Blooper of epic proportions on the part of those nutty Diabetes Gods. Someone is obviously watching me on the Grand Stage of D-Life Dramas and getting a kick out of my fascination with these sugary treats.

Um, no... I don't recall Why The Fructose this picture was actually taken.

So there we are. D-Bloopers at their best. So it is, Living With Diabetes. At least we have the ability to laugh about it, and at ourselves.

Well, at least, most of the time...


Yes, bloopers abound. I'm glad you like them though. I think it would be horrific if you had to treat lows with brussels sprouts every day. :)
Joanne said…
I love all things sugar and I've never tasted a glucose tab. Never even wanted to. They just look nasty to me. We usually use bananas or smarties for Elise when she's low.
Lauren said…
I loved the pasty white ones too! YUM! Now, my favorites are the orange ones. :)
Unknown said…
My daughter LOVES the white ones. I fill her bag up with Starburts and jelly beans and she'll ALWAYS pick through the find any possible remains of a white glucose tab first...and her sisters like them too! (Because, you know, you can't just hand out candy to 1 kid when there are 2 others standing there wanting some too!)
Sysy said…
LOL I loved those white BD glucose tabs! Until i didn't...after having a billion I started hating them! Nice pic by the way :D
Meagan said…
You like glucose tabs??? Well then you can have mine - on second thought, suppose not. Sorry, I'd LOVE to share. :)
Jen said…
Have you had the Watermelon ones?! Not so bad! I too miss the white square BD tabs :(
Unknown said…
Now if they start making Pina Colada flavored glucose tabs, I may be joining you in the love of these bad boys...
Heidi / D-Tales said…
I have three kids, and only one has diabetes, but they ALL love glucose tabs. When Jack, my son with T1 needs a glucose tab, the other two will beg, "Can we have one, too? Please? Please, please, please?" :)
Steve said…
Lia loves glucose tabs. She would have them for snack if we let her. Now we do all we can to keep pixie sticks a secret from worry she turn to those next.
Pearlsa said…
Yum! BD glucose Tabs. I use to like them but not anymore
Sara said…
I like glucose tabs too (shh!!). And at the end of a trip if I find that I have spares with me, I DO pass them out like candy to my friends! :D
Judi said…
When I was little, and this was MANY years ago, I so hated the glucose tabs that my mom would treat me with the little boxes of raisins. Then there weren't blood tests to see if you needed them, so she just judged by how I acted. But I would lock my jaws and refuse the glucose tabs, the white BD tabs being the only ones around.
Liz said…
Am I reading correctly??? Are there Pina Colada glucose tablets????? Or am I dreaming?
Love that picture Mike! Haha!

Crazy to hear that you like glucose tabs! Though, I have to admit, I too sort of enjoyed those big square BD ones too...
Amy Lederer said…
Ryan loves the too. Says they taste like giant smarties. I can even get him to chew up these bad boys in his sleep! And his fav . . . ReliOn tropical flavors.

Maybe I should try one . . . hmmmmm
EDONAdesigns said…
really? You actually like those chalky things. hmhhhh.... not sure about that one.
Andrea said…
Both of my sons (D and non-D) love glucose tabs!!! I have yet to try one!!
Lora said…
Tabs are pretty good!! I have an issue with sniffing the tropical fruit ones. O_o
April said…

I love those things - they are so good. They remind me of a big smarty.
Awesome post! I'm impressed you liked the nasty chalky glucose tabs from back in the day. I can see someone liking the new improved glucose tabs because they are much better. My husband tried one just to see and he said it tastes like a big Smartie. The sour apple ones are the best.
Melissa Lee said…
It took me until three years ago to give g-tabs another shy after trying the BD ones 20 years ago. You. Are. Weird. (But it's okay!)
LaLa said…
All 3 of my kiddos dig the tabs. Grape and Orange are the favs.

Good stuff!!
The DL said…
EW! I can't believe you LOVE them! I would rather eat anything else. I often tell myself that I can have candy when I'm low lol. I have def also had all of those bloopers. Thanks for the creativity :)

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