
 Life has been pretty busy lately with regular stresses and much to do with work, so I've been unplugged more often and not as connected to the Diabetes Online Community as has been normal.

A handful of D-Meetups this week presented a great chance to get back into the swing of things. A trio of Meetups, plus another event with fellow People With Diabetes, decorated the calendar.

But as fate would have it, the stars only aligned for one of those D-meetups.

- Monday brought an Adult D-Meetup on the northside of Indianapolis, one of several that have occured during the past year as part of the local JDRF chapter's effort to increase outreach to the Adult Type 1 community. This meetup brought out about 10 of us to a local brewery called Three Wise Men Brewpub. No formal agenda or organization to this gathering, and this one didn't really even delve into much talk about the JDRF or the adult outreach. It was an unscripted meetup where we were just all able to talk individually or in a couple groups about whatever - from D-Camp, to Tour de Cure, and biking with diabetes in general, pump differences, and general work and life topics. At one point, one guy talked about his sister being all "glitters and unicorns" while he's more "fire and brimstone." It was an all around good time with great people! Looking forward to the next round of D-Meetups!

- Tuesday was supposed to be an American Diabetes Association committee meeting about social media use, but the combination of nightmare traffic and a Low left me unable to make it. I'm looking forward to the chance of talking more about how the ADA can use social media to reach out (like Dayle has done as the ADA's first blogger) and how that organization can work with others locally on the bigger picture items.

- A JDRF family meetup was set for Wednesday, but the vicious weather heading into Indianapolis led to that meetup being canceled. Golf ball sized hail and a trio of tornado-producing storm cells moved through our area, keeping us up watching the forecasts. This was part of the devastating storm lines that moved in from Oklahoma and out West, and it also hit Indiana hard. So, it was probably a good idea that the D-Meetup was canceled that night.

- This weekend is the Indianapolis 500, and we're volunteering with the ADA. As it turns out, one of our own PWDs is going to be racing! That's right: Charlie Kimball will be the first licensed D-Driver to race in the 500. And we'll be there working the event, likely at his Novo-sponsored booth promoting his effort known as Drive The Switch. So, there's another D-Meetup right down the road.

Back to back to back to back... And here we go!


Unknown said…
The weather has been crazy! AND the 500 sounds great. How inspirational to have a D' Driver in the race!
Kerri. said…
Whoo hooooo!!! for the support for Charlie! I think what he's doing is awesome. :D
Unknown said…
Now THAT 500 is a rockin' number fo sho!!!!!

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