D-Gifts for Christmas

As a couple, we celebrate Christmas by not splurging much on each other but usually going for an array of fun, creative little gifts for each other. Maybe one or two we can enjoy together, like tickets to a play or an event, a movie or whatever. And then we might do a "real" gift that sticks around for a bit and means a little something.

Now, I won't share all the little exchanges we shared this Christmas. But there are three that we thought would be fun to put into a blog post.

1.) Candy, Candy, Candy (said in the Garfield Halloween special voice). You know, in case of Low blood sugars.... (wink). Because, really. Why eat glucose tabs when you don't have to?

2.) D-Notepads: I'm a writer, you likely know. Well, in the last few years I've been mixing my time up with a lot of my real-job newspaper writing and also diabetes writing in the blogosphere and elsewhere. Sure, most of it's in the Diabetes Online Community, but that mean I don't write posts out by hand, jot notes down, or even pen long ideas and strategies about D-Camp or local D-advocacy efforts. That's led to mixing of the notes, and having to flip through countless notebooks trying to figure out where "that" D-note is located among the many pages of interviews and journalism notes. So Suzi made a simple little EVER-PRACTICAL gesture: four notepads specifically for my diabetes writing!!! Each one has a "D" written in bold market up in the corner, AND they're even color-coordinated by season (black for winter, green for emerging spring, red for the red-hot summer months, and blue for the cooling off in fall). You rule, my love.

3.) And last, but certainly NOT least...


A Plush Pancreas, to be exact.

Purchased from www.iheartguts.com
His story, as revealed on the little card attached: Located above the intestine, this Peter PANcreas likes cookies, cake, candy, and insulin and dislikes diabetes. His favorite book is Intro To Endocrinology and he hopes to meet "somebody sweet." He says: You'll enjoy getting to know my lesser known parts like the Islets of Langerhans, sphincter of Oddi, and ampulla of Vater.

 Dude, I got a pancreas for Christmas!!!!!!

Then, up in Michigan, my parents got me a gift that I know the DOC would appreciate - particularly Scott Johnson.

A Diet Coke ornament!

Not this blurry in real life, I swear.

So there it is. Some D-gift fun, mixed in with all the rest of the great holiday gatherings and activity. Hope yours' was a wonderful one however you spent it, and here's looking forward to the final days of 2011 and the start of a new year!


I love these gifts! Especially the Diet Coke ornament!

And I can totally picture you solving all of the worlds problems in those color-coded D notebooks. Can't wait to see what comes from them my friend!
Sally said…
Thanks for your comment at 6DiamondsintheRough. Wow, you found me in a roundabout way! My bad experience with diabetes blogging wasn't at TuD, but at DD. I haven't shown my face back there yet. **shudder**

I had to laugh at your plush pancreas -- where were those soft body parts when I was taking anatomy and phys?

And, the reason why we eat glucose tablets when we don't have to is that if we carried Good and Plenties (or M&M's!!!) we would EAT them when we don't have to! :) I would. (As in, my BG is 124, but I parked three spaces farther from the door than I normally do, soooo I might just need a little sugar boost to get me through...) Any excuse will do.
Sally said…
PS. I posted this at SixUntilMe. Do you know the answer?

Why isn't there any discussion any more about discriminatory pricing? When I worked as a pharmacy tech years ago, that was a big subject. I have been out of the D discussions loop for a long time. Maybe U.S. legislation had the last word?

You can contact me at DD: http://www.diabetesdaily.com/forum/members/mnsally-68116

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