A Glimpse Into My WDD 2011

The Indianapolis-version of World Diabetes Day on November 14, 2011.

My day, in blood sugar readings from start to finish: 352, 116, 65, 103, 154, 144, 143, 107

And then there was everything else, a few moments captured by camera-phone snapshot.

At the #adainwdd11 event in Indy

The Lilly Fountain, colored (aqua) blue.
Indy's Soldiers & Sailors Monument...
... lit up in blue - for Diabetes. NOT for the Colts.

Hanging with Charlie Kimball.

The Indy Blues Brothers of Diabetes??



Carb counts listed (each cupcake = 36g)!!!

It was a good day, indeed.

There was much advocacy. And just as much fun.

Now, it's time to let some of the blue soak out of the head before getting at the bigger lessons of this WDD 2011...


Sysy said…
Love it! And especially love all the pictures :)
Unknown said…
I want some of those blue circle cookies. :)
Kelly Booth said…
Looks like you had a good day. I never thought about blue cupcakes. I will have to remember that for next year.
Mike Durbin said…
Great recap, Mike. Love the pictures. And yes,the cupcakes were awesome. Great seeing you and Suzi, as always.
I have diabetes and taking insulin shots are quite expensive. A friend of mine told me to take pgx daily, he said that its not too pricey and in the long run it will be beneficial for a diabetic like me.
Roos Jonsin said…
Even with the fluctuating blood sugar level you seem to have wonderful day at least with the cup cakes. Here's a good article on diabetes care

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