World Diabetes Day 2010

Today, the globe unites for World Diabetes Day. No need for any elaborate post title, because it is what it is.

This is the fourth annual marking of this day by the International Diabetes Federation, and everyone is encouraged to participate in raising awareness about diabetes across the world.

Everyone is excited to participate, even my D-Dog Riley who you can see is doing her part to all who may want to come to the door!

Riley advocates while sporting a WDD bandana crafted by my mom!
In case you're wondering: No, the Shadow Cat has no interest in the day. Rather, she's probably planning to just hide under the bed and catch some Zzzzs.

But I'm doing my part. As I'd previously written a few weeks ago, this is my D-Message in a Bottle that's being cast out into the virtual waters for all to see.

This is my message.

But more generally, I'd like to focus on one of the IFD goals for World Diabetes Day, what the organization hopes this day can establish as a future reality. From this little corner of my world, I agree with the international organization in saying that I'd like to see a future:

Where governments, private business, foundations, international organizations, researchers and the scientific community invest significantly in research into the causes, cure and better management of diabetes.

Maybe, someone not knowledgable will find this message and learn a little more about diabetes. Maybe they'll find the initiative to do something about it. Maybe.

A WDD cande-holder creation of my mom's!

We can all do our part. Maybe it's through writing a blog. Or hosting a radio show. Speaking at seminars and schools. Telling stories through magazines and newspapers and mass media. Taking photos of landmarks lit up in blue, or lighting a blue candle yourself. Or calling legislative leaders and private business officials and urging them to support this cause. Even a little, can mean so much.

Don't forget: At 2 p.m., diabetics everywhere are encouraged to participate in the Big Blue Test - - Do a BG Test -> Exercise for 14 minutes -> Test Again -> Share The Results on the site above, online at Facebook and Twitter and use the hashtag #bigbluetest.

Most importantly: whatever the activity may be for today, have fun while advocating!


Unknown said…
Love your DOG!!! And...too funny about Shadow. Your house sounds similar to mine...except our Dog is Oscar and our cat is Max.

We will be having fun today Mike. Joe is traveling for more HOCKEY. I am hoping he can do the Big Blue Test...but we may be driving home right after his Hockey game.

Have a wonderful day and know how much I appreciate all of your informative posts. You are a wonderful advocate. I thank you for that.
shannon said…
Seems like you've got a super crafty and super supportive mom! Awesome!

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