Gobble, Gobble & Giving Thanks

My parents made the drive on Tuesday from the homestate of Michigan to our home in Indy, and they're here with us for Thanksgiving and through the weekend. Despite the likely chance we'll witness the Lions lose to the New England Patriots on Turkey Day and then see our Michigan Wolverines lose to those blasted Buckeyes from Ohio State, it shall be a time of joy. One where we can count our many blessings.

So, in honor of this being D-Blessings Week as proposed and delivered by Mike Durbin over at MyDiabeticHeart, I offer this Turkey Day post recognizing just some of the things I am thankful for:

Banting & Best + 1921: Need I say more? That moment in medical history gave me and so many others a chance to Live with diabetes, and not just be forced to die quickly and miserably because of diabetes. That is a blessing beyond measure.
Suzi: My Loving, Wonderous, Invaluable, Type 3 Spouse: I'm blessed, and that's all there is to it.

Family: Past ancestors from Bartholomew Hoskins arriving in this new country back in the early 1600s to my grandfather William Lee born in 1929. To the present and future generations. To my loving parents who made the five-hour car trek from Michigan to Indy to mark this Turkey Day with us. My mom, a fellow Type 1, who taught me not only to fight the good fight against insurance companies and hospitals who might try to knock us off, but also just the regular D-Life tasks. To my dad who taught me how to be a man and good person. To put my name onto everything I do, from sweeping the patio to hanging a light in a spare bedroom (That 2nd part needs expansion: neither of us can adequately perform home repair or maintenance projects and now we're stuck inside the same house for several days with MANY house projects to get our hands on!!!! Insert Evil Laugh Here.) All said and done, family rocks.

The Diabetes Online Community: Ah, the DOC - not to be confused with the Department of Correction... You all rock. Every Single One of You. Thank you, so much, for re-shaping how I live my D-Life and manage my health and just being such an integral part of my life this past year. I've found a part of myself that I hadn't embraced before, and I feel so incredibly lucky and blessed to be a part of such an outstanding and inspirational community. In the good times and bad and everything in between.

My job: Rather, a career doing something I love and have always loved and will always love. I get paid to write, and I'm so incredibly lucky to have found such a great place with wonderful people at a time when this particular news business is struggling so much. And the same goes for everyone else who has a job or career or passion they embrace.

Bacon: I get my cues from George, who is a true believer that everything good must be connected to bacon. So yes, I am happy to have bacon in my life.  Even though, this past summer, we weren't able to adopt the black lab dog named Bacon from the local Humane Society. Oh well. We have Riley, who we sometimes call bacon. And my Minimed 722 insulin pump that sports the meaty-goodness of a name. Bacon is Blessed!

With that, let there be turkey! And remember: Stay Classy, San Diego.


Unknown said…
Happy Thanksgiving Mike! Great D-Blessings POST.
Mike Durbin said…
Great post, Mike. Love the ninja graphic at the end. Thanks for the shout out, and for participating in Diabetes Blessings Week.

Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!

No, you need not say more.

The ode to your family, particularly your mom and the "knock us off" comment, made me smile. That sounds wrong - certainly I don't want anyone knocking anyone off, I just found humor in your wording.

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