T.G.I.F. Without a doubt.

It's been a long week, one that was amazing because of Diabetes Art Day! With reading massive blogs in one single day and everything else going on this week, there's no time to blog now. Mostly, because I'm off enjoying the FREEDOM of being re-connected to my insulin pump. Not having to stab myself in the leg everytime I want to have a "carby snack" is AWESOME. So,  I leave you with the next best thing...

My D-Dog Riley! In my stead, she will keep watch on the Diabetes Online Community for a bit while I'm away.

Two important items before I leave you with Riley, though...

I do want to wish my parents a happy wedding anniversary, celebrating their big day back in 1977! So, borrowing from Jacquie over at Typical Type 1, this may very well be National Larry and Judi Day. Well, at least it's an international event in my mind.

With this longer weekend, make sure to take a few moments to click here and submit a comment to the FDA about proposed menu nutrition guidelines that are dictated by the health care reform. Public comment is open until Tuesday, Sept. 7. Bennet wrote a great post recently at YDMV, so you should read that, too! It's important stuff, so please take a moment to make sure your voice is heard on this.

So, there you have it. For everything else that, Riley and I will see you soon with recaps on a lunchtime D-Meetup, my first days back with Bacon Gibbs The Pump, and whatever else may come to mind!

Happy Friday, and enjoy the Labor Day Weekend!


Kim said…
What a cute pup! I really did say "Aww" out loud, which is awkward, since I'm at work. Hope you have a good weekend.
Unknown said…
Cute pup! Our Ivy would LOVE that pooch :)

Happy Weekend!

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