Summer's Last Breath


Clean. Crisp. Clear.

Refreshing freshness.

Anniversaries of how we started out, beginnings experienced again.

Resetting MDI into that freeing-lifestyle of pumping, convenience, ease.

Crazy lives, busyness condensed into one life, a single soul, a loving harmony.

A new beginning after sweltering summer heat.

Colors shifting. From clusters bleeding together to majestic mixes creating perfection.

Too much to do. Too little to do it. Springing forward too quickly.

Now, slowing down.

To smell, see, hear, feel, experience.

Summer's last breath, before we Fall into a slumber,

No more artificial coolness. Now, windows open.

A breeze blows in. We look out, waiting to be one with the weather.

The dog sits with nose sniffing, on the sill her chin rests.

Watching, smelling, interpreting sounds and smells.

Waking up to see that sunrise for the soul, before a seasonal sunset sets in.

September. Welcoming. Appreciated.

Renewed vigor for what we have, and what still must be done.


Unknown said…
Taking pause...that describes it perfectly. I live in Vermont and we are enjoying the beginnings of cool crisp mornings and evenings. Ofcourse, I say that after we just experienced a heat-wave last week. LOL.

Happy Fall! It is my favorite season.
Sysy Morales said…
That was beautiful! I loved it!

I normally love summer and cry when fall comes because I don't tolerate cold well (Seriously I want to cry when I'm cold lol) But this sweltering summer has me dreaming of cool days ahead and your post really was lovely and reminded me to slow down today and soak it in, Thanks!!!
Donna said…
I loved this! Especially since my family and I just got back from the pool and its like 107 today! =) I wish we had seasons where we are... but for just a moment I was able to experience through you. Absolutely lovely. Thank you!

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