Exercise... Not So Much

We are asked by Karen today to write about the wonders of exercise... Love it or Hate it? Do we have regular exercise routines? Trouble finding the motivation to exercise? How are food and insulin intake managed to avoid bottoming out during a workout? This is the day to tell all about exercise habits, or lack thereof.

When I was 5, my exercise activity was playing baseball. Did it as part of a league. Tee Ball at first, then moved up the ranks as the years moved on. My dad was the coach. Good times that gave this little Kid With Diabetes the needed exercise. When high school hit, the ball and bat got traded in for the swim team. Did that for all four years, in addition to all the other regular exercise tasks this teenager had going on. College brought a more sedentary likestyle without swimming or regular sports activity, meaning the exercise routines were getting fewer and farther between. Sure, there was the regular campus walks and such, but the team sports went away. Now, there's the career and married lifestyle that admittedly isn't as exercised-focused as it should be.

We adopted Riley from the Humane Society in mid-2007, and one of the goals in doing that was to help us weave more exercise into our lives - regular walks every morning or evening, before or after work. That hasn't happened. We work on making it so. But, now it seems like the work-related walks in downtown Indianapolis during the day or the evening/weekend lawn mows are the extent of the activity. That is sad. And something we're trying to work on in the Hoskins Household - it is a work in progress, along with many other things.

Some have suggested getting a Wii, as it apparently can be packed with exercise games that are fun individually or for the whole family. If it didn't cost so much, I might be more open to the idea... Yet, that doesn't replace the good, old-fashioned kind of fun we had as kids playing outside. Running to play "guns" or "lasers" with friends, a quick round of catch with dad or some friends, a pick-me-up game of hoops or baseball, or a visit to the nearby playground. That's the kind of exercise we're supposed to have in life.

As a wise blog-reader and commenter wrote (below), back in those days it wasn't exercise that had to be part of our routine because it was good for us... It was just playing. Good, old-fashioned fun with friends and running around without a care in the world. Making sure you had more sticks or little Muscle Men then your friends and could make it home in time before the street lights came on. Yes, those were good times. When excercise was just a part of the game because it was fun...

So now, as an adult who "should" excercise, I'll rely on Riley and some more regular W-A-L-K-S to get the blood flowing and exercise energy cranking. I'm sure both my body and the dog will be grateful. I may even put some air in the deflated bike tires and cruise around the neighborhood, pretending to be a 10-year-old and trying to forget about all the adult-stresses in life. In the end, it might just be a little fun that also happens to be good for me.


Bob Pedersen said…
I have a Wii, but think you made the better choice. My Wii doesn't poop or shed, but it also doesn't care when I get home. :)
meanderings said…
I was thinking the same thing this morning as I wrote about the exercise (or lack of) in my life. When you're a kid, it's not exercise - it's playing.
Mike LeBlanc said…
Try riding a bike Michael. Each and every time I get on my bike I feel like a 10 year old kid again. Low-impact, the thrill of the ride and improved cardiovascular health. What more could you ask for?
Anonymous said…
Mike: That's about the best suggestion I could get... Completely agree about the bike. However, I have a tendency to let my bike tires deflate and leave them in that state for way too long... It's almost like a weird mental deterrent from exercising (you know, having fun). I may need to pump them up and make sure they stay inflated, for some 10-year-old bike fun!! Thanks for reading and offering that awesome thought!
Jim said…
I'm feeling a little old after reading, "playing Lasers"! Thats some new fangled techno gadget isn't it? Like you I miss those days of getting out and just doing things. Also, I prefer my dog over my Wii, both can be very entertaining but the Wii doesn't want to curl up in my lap.
Anonymous said…
No, Jim... Playing "lasers" basically meant brandishing tree branches and sticks and pretending they were some future laser guns. Oh, the minds of children...
Rachel said…
I prefer the old-fashioned way, too. Walks/runs outside, swimming in a pool, etc. Though I do have the trusty elliptical for the cruddy weather days.

That dog could use some exercise, too, I'm sure :)
George said…
If you can make exercising fun then you are more apt to do it.

Wow, did I just say that?
Anonymous said…
I see Caleb in you as you speak of baseball and swimming. I like Bob's comment about the wisdom of your choice. :)
peter said…
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