Parting Is Such Sweet...
My eyes opened. Groggy, barely able to take in the morning sunlight streaming in through the bedroom window. Kicked the covers off my body, lifting myself up and swinging my feet toward the side of the bed to stand up and welcome the new day. The dog appeared, wagging her tale and putting her front paws on the bedside to greet me with a wet nose and good morning kiss.
As I stood, my hands habitually went to my waistline to feel for my Minimed Paradigm 722 at its usual spot. Nothing. Eyes only slightly ajar, my hands surveyed the bed and felt underneath the pillow in search of the stray pump. All while I gained my footing, and prepared to take the first step away from the bed. Still nothing, and the thought of my pump tubing becoming taught and pulling loose my sight entered my mind.

This was the start of my Pump Hiatus, which began about midnight Friday/Saturday. The first two mornings seemed surreal as I grappled with the reality that my Bionic Limb wasn’t attached, but set aside for that nostalgic routine of injections. Hello, MDI. Hello, again.
Parting is such sweet sorrow... but sometimes it’s necessary. Just as Juliet said it to dearest Romeo, so I say it to an insulin pumping lifestyle that I've enjoyed since the summer of 2001, my final year of college. We are sad to part ways temporarily, but it's sweet as I will be healed when the two of us finally reunite.
Don't get me wrong. I love what pumping has done for me through the years. The daily flexibility and ability to achieve tighter control is amazing and irreplaceable. Not to even mention the CGM choices we now have, which allow us to have a more constant tracking of where we're at in D-Management. It got me down to a 6.1 A1c at one point, and that's proof that it can be done.
But all of that means constantly being connected to a device. Suzi calls me the Bionic Man, and the pump is a Bionic Limb. It's always there, minus the short and periodic disconnections for showers and other personal moments. When sleeping, you must sometimes adjust to where it's placed on the body. It can be knocked off your body if you aren't careful. Sometimes, the sites just don't work or the infusion sets malfunction. Kinks. Blockage. Sets coming loose or getting knocked off. It can be frustrating, aside from just having to find a new spot of Real Estate for the site to go in the first place. There can be gushers, and it seems in my case they always spring up when I'm wearing a white dress shirt.
It’s become a routine struggle, an emotional trigger point that leads to my breaking down out of sheer frustration that my body just doesn't support my pump usage.
For those reasons, I've reflected more fondly on the days before "bolus" and "basal" become a part of the daily vocabulary. When you took a shot in the morning and went about your day. Sure, the control and flexibility wasn't there, but you didn't have to lug the pump and set with you all the time. There were no bionic limbs. In a way, I’ve missed that "freedom." Those were the days since March 1984 and that final year of college.

Will try a month then see if another would work out.

It was interesting having to hand-calculate all the carbs and corrections, rather than having the pump automatically do the math. Grrr. The first night of chinese food was interesting, but BGs came out quite nicely. Injections arne't as precise with shots as it is with pumping, I came to remember once again. But the freedoms…. Oh they’re great.
Showering without any connection. Being able to sleep on any side, in any position. Wrestling and playing with the dog without having to worry about tube tangling or sets being knocked off. I’m sure the workweek will bring similar joys, like not having a device attached to my belt or having to worry about tube tugs whenever the shirt is tucked or untucked. Of course, there's challenges: relearning the differences and how my body reacts to different foods with injections, not an hourly basal. Carrying needles with me and making sure the Humalog is full. Having to take more shots when more food is added. Of course, remembering I'm not connected or restrained by tubing.
Good times. So, the Journey begins...
It must be nice to take a short break and not have to worry about that damn tubing! ESPECIALLY when playing with the dog! :) My dog Oliver is a jumper, and sometimes his paw will get caught in the tubing and then yank it down. When I yell he gets all scared and I feel bad.
I hope this works out, and your sites heal. I never gave much thought to how my sites will hold up over the years, but your hiatus has got me thinking about it and so I'm trying new sites to add.
Nice to hear another view.
Good Luck!
Also, the reasons you listed NOT to get an Omnipod haven't affected me at all. I've been using it for over six months, and in that time, I've only had one occlusion, and it was on day three, anyway. I've never had a need to take a pod off before the three-day expiration, so wasted insulin has never been an issue. Just sayin . . .
I was very anti-Omnipod, too, until I got the demo pod and gave it a shot. Now, I can't imagine going back to a tubed pump.
As for the real estate issue, I find that I am more creative with pod sites than I ever was with a tubed infusion set. I use my arms, my butt, my legs, and even my back. I have a rotation system, which operates in a clockwise fashion, so I don't reuse (or even get close to) the same site for over a month.
No, I'm not getting any money from Omnipod ;-) I just love the freedom it has given me.
One thing to remember - using a site for longer than three days might be part of your problem, though. I know you know this, but the longer you leave it in, the more likely you are to have scar tissue.
OK, I'm done now ;-)
It just depends on the individual and how they manage their diabetes. Can't wait for your next blog - and BTW - is that muffin really made out of just bacon??? I'm Canadian, so my humour monitor might not be the same as Americans (was wondering about the "icing" on top of the muffin).
Take care - and see you around the Blogging Pool of D life!