D-Blog Week: Weekend Edition of Snapshots & Reflections

We are now at the end of Diabetes Blog Week 2014.

Boo... (sad face)!

Once again, it's been a lot of fun writing this week and seeing all the great contributions from so many in the Diabetes Online Community. Thanks can't go out enough to Karen Graffeo, who came up with and
coordinated this whole concept five years ago and has made it happen each year since.

It's nearly impossible to condense into a single thought what I love the most about D-Blog Week, but I have to say it's just awesome connecting dots and being able to find so many voices you might not normally have seen in the blogosphere. Personally, I love the more creative takes on each prompt and so those are the ones that stick out in my mind the most. But every single one is awesome, because it's straight from someone's heart and mind and that's powerful.

Finding those new D-peeps online is great, as is connecting with old friends and seeing different spins on each topic.

Earlier in the week, I had some fun with the "Mantras and More" and put together my D-Soundtrack for when my mood needs a boost. And reaching back into the "older" days of the Diabetes Online Community, I included the wonderful SugaSheen "All The Diabetics" song created years ago (in 2009) by our friends, George "Ninjabetic" Simmons and DSMA-queen Cherise Shockley. That was fun, and it was a bit nostalgic.

But then, I got a comment from a good friend who apparently had never seen it before:

That video and song by Cherise and George just changed my life. Thank you SO MUCH for posting that. I am going to play that all the time. It is so bouncy and fun and light-hearted. They are wonderful and so. are. you! Great list of songs, Mike!

And in scanning Facebook and online posts later in the day, I saw a few others linking to that video and indicating they were just seeing it for the first time.

That's what this is all about - connecting dots. Helping people find others that we may not have known about, no matter how long we've been at this D-Life game or hanging out in the DOC.

And with that, I'm offering my Saturday Snapshots for this Weekend Edition.... it's a photo that takes me back a few years to when a good friend came to the U.S. for the first time from Australia. It was a life-changing experience for me, that debut Simonpalooza experience. And the next time a couple years ago, when he came through Indy briefly. And I'm very very excited that he'll be returning to this U.S. this summer and we get to hang out once again, in real-life.

The Kansas City Simonpalooza Group

Blunt Lancet: Jeff, Kelly, Kim, Mr. Simonpalooza

This DOC has been life-changing for me, and it continues to be in so many ways. And it's in times like these with #DBlogWeek, that I think that shines through so much.


Jane said…
I want that mug!
Mike said…
Thanks for your posts this week Mike (double duty on he 'Mine too!). This is a great summary of what makes the week special.

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