Seven Years Plus Our Newspaper

Us in May 2012 at JDRF Indiana Gala.
We celebrated our 7th wedding anniversary on Monday, Sept. 24, 2012.

The sentiment remains unchanged since I'd last posted on our anniversary, at the five-year mark.

But as I do every year, I sit back on this special day and re-read the newspaper I created to propose nearly a decade ago now (March 2003). This full eight-page broadsheet is the one I spent about three months creating back in late 2002 and early 2003, writing my own stories, editing and designing, selling ads to pay for the whole thing, and recruiting a roll of writers made up of family and friends. All of them keeping the upcoming marriage proposal a secret, of course!

I still remember staying out late at night, telling you they were late nights in my real paycheck-providing newsroom job when in fact they were spent at my old college newspaper stomping grounds putting this paper together.

It was tough, but it all paid off.

This year, I realized (once again) the full newspaper wasn't posted anywhere online. Sure, I have a couple dozen copies left over from the 1,000 created for that night and beyond. And every one of those eight pages has been framed for our home's hallway, to display to those who might want to look at them.

But they haven't been in the blogosphere or shared fully, except maybe a few snapshots shared between friends. Well, now that changes.

Our newspaper hits the 21st century blogosphere, for the entire online universe to see as it may want to (likely clicking on the images themselves, to make them show up in readable sizes...)

The Daily News, Engagement Edition. Created for the proposal event on March 15, 2003.

Page 2
Front Page

Link to Front Page Proposal story. And the Page 2 jump.
Link to Speech story. And Page 2 jump.

How'd we catch each others' eye? Here's a Christmas 2002 account of those initial impressions...

Link to the Page 2 story on Sustaining Surprise.

Page 3

Inside Spread, Pages 4-5

Written by one of Mike's good friends from high school. (Click for bigger image)

Page 6
Page 7

 Link to In the Beginning, a story of Us on Page 6.

Link to Page 6 story 9/11 emails between Mike & Suzi

Back Page (The Ad Page)

Happy Anniversary, my love.

Our story continues, and I'm honored to have the chance to live it with you.


Simon said…
To be filed under. "Reasons why I think Mike is awesome".

A fantastic post Mike for all "dyed in the wool" romantics out there and from personal observation, a more fantastic couple you'd struggle to meet.

Thanks for sharing your story here. The time I spent with Suzi and yourself in Indy will forever be one of my most treasured memories.

Now to make it back there for some advice for a struggling single old Australian man I know...
Allison said…
This is AWESOME!!

Congrats on seven years! Happy anniversary!
Unknown said…
WOW!!! Mike...this is amazing!!!! What a beautiful way to start the journey into marriage and happily ever after!

Congrats on 7's to many healthy, happy years of memories yet to come! CHEERS!!!!!!
Joanne said…
Wow... What an incredible way to propose! I can only imagine how much work went into this. Thanks for sharing and happy anniversary!
Nikki said…
That's probably the best proposal I've seen. Congratulations on your anniversary! Wishing you blessings for many more happy years!
Scott S said…
Now, I'd say that's pretty unique as far as proposals are concerned, and memorable, too! Creativity when put to good uses and yield great results!
I'm convinced yours is the most amazing proposal ever! :)

Happy Anniversary to you both!!!
Kelly said…
Happy Anniversary! I am with eveyrone else this was truly a one of a kind proposal.
Sandy said…
aww!!! Congrats guys!
Anonymous said…
That is beautiful that you did that and will always have memories of that special day!
Amber said…
Seriously...Best proposal ever! I'm not gonna lie, I'm a little jealous. Congrats!

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