Take That
Yes, I CAN eat ice cream.

Loved this hot fudge sundae, with a cherry on top...
(SWAG = 50g -> I'll leave your mind working on how that D-Math worked out...)
Take THAT, Wendell!
And THIS...

See that window to the right there? I believe that's the office of a certain publisher...
So, Take THAT Southside Times...
Even on your own FRONT STEPS, I have no problem eating ice cream.
And so can the rest of the Diabetes Community.
Not matter what you say or write, those of us Living With Diabetes are more than capable of eating ice cream even as we do what we do in managing our D-Lives and overall health effectively.
DON'T tell us otherwise, or pretend to know what's best for OUR worlds.
This is what I think of your writing...

Thanks for playing.
(SWAG = 50g -> I'll leave your mind working on how that D-Math worked out...)
Take THAT, Wendell!
And THIS...

See that window to the right there? I believe that's the office of a certain publisher...
So, Take THAT Southside Times...
Even on your own FRONT STEPS, I have no problem eating ice cream.
And so can the rest of the Diabetes Community.
Not matter what you say or write, those of us Living With Diabetes are more than capable of eating ice cream even as we do what we do in managing our D-Lives and overall health effectively.
DON'T tell us otherwise, or pretend to know what's best for OUR worlds.
This is what I think of your writing...

Thanks for playing.
Also loved my Nutter Butter Blizzard in honor of the Ice Cream Social...and the 108 after blood sugar. :)
We totally can eat ice cream!!!